She went to war for me.
She trained her body and her mind
She stood by ready to deploy, engage, destroy.
She went to war for me.
She pinned her hair in a bun
She trimmed her nails and polished her weapons
She wore my scepter on her sleeve.
She went to war for me.
She carried courage into combat
She carried comrades when they fell.
She went to war for me.
She left babies back home
She left fear in her locker
She left limbs on the battlefield
She left this world in a blast.
She went to war for me.
She gave all she had
She gave wholeheartedly
She fought knowing her life depended on it
She fought knowing mine did too.
She went to war for me.
She is a patriot of the highest order
She is Anna, Nora, Maria, Laura and Ashley
She is every woman who ever volunteered to protect me.
I am Democracy.
I am Freedom.
She is my hero.
“A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.” -Bob Dylan
On this Veteran’s Day, and on behalf of our team at Defending Democracy, I want to express our undying gratitude to all the women and men that sacrifice so much to protect our country and our liberty.